Salary and Welfare

☆Compensation System:
To enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and retain key personnel,  effectively motivate employees,  we divide company structure into several hierarchical classification according to the job evaluation: strategic management class, management class organization,  market category,  technical skills classes,   operations management  class,  class expertise,  managed  services category.
We grant the year-end awards and adjust annual salary based on personal performance.

☆Statutory Benefits:
We have pay the insurance ( pension,  comprehensive medical,  work injury,  maternity,  unemployment, provident fund )  for employees since the next month after entry.
Paid leave: according to national labor laws and regulations, the employees can enjoy annual leave, marriage leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, nursing leave, bereavement leave.

☆Universal Benefits:
    A badminton, basketball, football and other sports activities would be held per week.
    A department can organize own activities monthly.
    Paid holiday gift in traditional holidays.
    Paid condolence gift to the employee on his or her birthday, wedding, birth, illness hospitalization.

☆Incentive Benefits:
    The employee can enjoy:
    A tour every half or one year;
    An annual physical examination one year;
    Accident group insurance business recruits a full year after entry;
    Seniority allowance.
    We would help recruits with outstanding performance join Shenzhen accounts.